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2.4.1 by Matthias Templ, 2 years ago
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Authors: Matthias Templ [aut, cre] , Karel Hron [aut] , Peter Filzmoser [aut] , Kamila Facevicova [ctb] , Petra Kynclova [ctb] , Jan Walach [ctb] , Veronika Pintar [ctb] , Jiajia Chen [ctb] , Dominika Miksova [ctb] , Bernhard Meindl [ctb] , Alessandra Menafoglio [ctb] , Alessia Di Blasi [ctb] , Federico Pavone [ctb] , Nikola Stefelova [ctb] , Gianluca Zeni [ctb] , Roman Wiederkehr [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports cvTools, e1071, fda, rrcov, cluster, dplyr, magrittr, fpc, GGally, ggfortify, kernlab, MASS, mclust, tidyr, robustbase, robustHD, splines, VIM, zCompositions, reshape2, Rcpp
Depends on ggplot2, pls, data.table
Suggests knitr, testthat
Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen
Imported by CMMs, baker.
Suggested by classmap.
See at CRAN