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2.4 by Hélène Morlon, 2 months ago
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Authors: Hélène Morlon [aut, cre, cph] , Eric Lewitus [aut, cph] , Fabien Condamine [aut, cph] , Marc Manceau [aut, cph] , Julien Clavel [aut, cph] , Jonathan Drury [aut, cph] , Olivier Billaud [aut, cph] , Odile Maliet [aut, cph] , Leandro Aristide [aut, cph] , Benoit Perez-Lamarque [aut, cph] , Nathan Mazet [aut, cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports BB, bipartite, cluster, coda, deSolve, fields, fpc, geiger, glassoFast, graphics, grDevices, igraph, Matrix, mvtnorm, mvMORPH, GUniFrac, parallel, ParallelLogger, phangorn, phytools, pracma, pspline, pvclust, raster, RColorBrewer, R.utils, Rmpfr, stats, TESS, utils, vegan
Depends on ape, picante, methods
Suggests testthat
Suggested by AntibodyForests, nodeSub, treestats.
See at CRAN