Reference manual

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0.9.7 by David Gohel, 4 months ago,

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Authors: David Gohel [aut, cre] , ArData [cph] , Clementine Jager [ctb] , Eli Daniels [ctb] , Panagiotis Skintzos [aut] , Quentin Fazilleau [ctb] , Maxim Nazarov [ctb] , Titouan Robert [ctb] , Michael Barrowman [ctb] , Atsushi Yasumoto [ctb] , Paul Julian [ctb] , Sean Browning [ctb] , Rémi Thériault [ctb] , Samuel Jobert [ctb] , Keith Newman [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports data.table, gdtools, graphics, grDevices, grid, htmltools, knitr, officer, ragg, rlang, rmarkdown, stats, utils, uuid, xml2

Suggests bookdown, broom, broom.mixed, chromote, cluster, commonmark, doconv, equatags, ggplot2, lme4, magick, mgcv, nlme, officedown, pdftools, pkgdown, scales, svglite, tables, testthat, webshot2, withr, xtable

Imported by AeroSampleR, Certara.ModelResults, DemographicTable, DescrTab2, EpiReport, GRShiny, GrowthCurveME, LightLogR, MAGMA.R, MCPModPack, MassWateR, MedianaDesigner, Rrepest, SWMPrExtension, StepReg, SurveyDefense, TestAnaAPP, WordR, activAnalyzer, apmx, augmentedRCBD, autoReg, autoslider.core, boot.pval, codebookr, compareGroups, crane, crosstable, eoffice, epiR, export, fitODBODRshiny, ftExtra, inTextSummaryTable, interactionR, interpretCI, ivo.table, jsmodule, kfa, manymome.table, microplot, multitool, nlmixr2rpt, onbrand, presenter, pwrFDR, reappraised, relMix, repmod, robmedExtra, rrtable, rsides, rtables.officer, ruminate, sMSROC, shinySbm, smallsets,, teal.reporter, toxSummary, tracee, tsgarch, tstests, ubiquity, visvaR, warabandi, washi, webr, wrappedtools, ztable.

Suggested by CodelistGenerator, CohortCharacteristics, CohortSurvival, CohortSymmetry, DrugUtilisation, GLMMcosinor, IncidencePrevalence, MIC, Mediana, OmopSketch, accessr, autostats, basictabler, bayesMeanScale, clinUtils, fitODBOD, flexlsx, formods, gtsummary, huxtable, irtrees, lavaanExtra, modelsummary, mpwR, munsellinterpol, officedown, performance, predictNMB, prismadiagramR, r4ss, rempsyc, reservr, rmsMD, strand, table1, visOmopResults.

See at CRAN