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Authors: Martin Elff [aut, cre] , Christopher N. Lawrence [ctb] , Dave Atkins [ctb] , Jason W. Morgan [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [ctb] , Mael Astruc-Le Souder [ctb] , Kiril Mueller [ctb] , Pieter Schoonees [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports grid, data.table, yaml, jsonlite
Depends on lattice, stats, methods, utils, MASS
Suggests splines, knitr, rmarkdown, sandwich
Enhances AER, car, eha, lme4, ordinal, simex, tibble, haven
Imported by OutliersO3, R2MLwiN, Rchoice, intsvy, mclogit, munfold, spldv.
Depended on by StratSel.
Suggested by crch, gmnl, pander, trtf.
Enhanced by labelled.
See at CRAN