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0.9.13 by Andri Signorell, 6 months ago,
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Authors: Andri Signorell [aut, cre] , Bernhard Compton [ctb] , Marcel Dettling [ctb] , Alexandre Hainard [ctb] , Max Kuhn [ctb] , Frédérique Lisacek [ctb] , Michal Majka [ctb] , Markus Müller [ctb] , Dan Putler [ctb] , Jean-Charles Sanchez [ctb] , Natalia Tiberti [ctb] , Natacha Turck [ctb] , Jarek Tuszynski [ctb] , Robin Xavier [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports e1071, C50, rpart, randomForest, pROC, methods, relaimpo, rpart.plot, lattice, lmtest, car, robustbase, class, NeuralNetTools, naivebayes, sandwich, AER, boot, pscl
Depends on DescTools, MASS, nnet, survival
Suggests VGAM
See at CRAN