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1.9.7 by Fernando Miguez, 7 months ago

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Authors: Fernando Miguez [aut, cre] , Caio dos Santos [ctb] (author of SSscard) , José Pinheiro [ctb, cph] (author of nlme::nlsList , nlme::predict.gnls , nlme::predict.nlme) , Douglas Bates [ctb, cph] (author of nlme::nlsList , nlme::predict.gnls , nlme::predict.nlme) , R-core [ctb, cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports boot, knitr, MASS, Matrix, mgcv, nlme, stats

Suggests bbmle, car, emmeans, ggplot2, lattice, minpack.lm, NISTnls, nlstools, nls2, parallel, rmarkdown, segmented

Imported by nlive, soiltestcorr.

Suggested by ib, nlsr.

See at CRAN