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2.1.0 by Daniel D. Sjoberg, 9 days ago,
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Authors: Daniel D. Sjoberg [aut, cre] , Joseph Larmarange [aut] , Michael Curry [aut] , Jessica Lavery [aut] , Karissa Whiting [aut] , Emily C. Zabor [aut] , Xing Bai [ctb] , Esther Drill [ctb] , Jessica Flynn [ctb] , Margie Hannum [ctb] , Stephanie Lobaugh [ctb] , Shannon Pileggi [ctb] , Amy Tin [ctb] , Gustavo Zapata Wainberg [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports cards, cli, dplyr, glue, gt, lifecycle, rlang, tidyr, vctrs
Suggests aod, broom, broom.helpers, broom.mixed, car, cardx, cmprsk, effectsize, emmeans, flextable, geepack, ggstats, huxtable, insight, kableExtra, knitr, lme4, mice, nnet, officer, openxlsx, parameters, parsnip, rmarkdown, smd, spelling, survey, survival, testthat, withr, workflows
Imported by BSTZINB, REDCapCAST, abmR, crane, gtreg, rUM, stRoke, tidycmprsk.
Suggested by LightLogR, archetyper, brms.mmrm, broom.helpers, dcurves, equatiomatic, flexlsx, genieBPC, ggstats, logitr, psborrow2, simstudy, smdi.
See at CRAN