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4.2-5-2 by Maya Gueguen, 6 months ago
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Authors: Wilfried Thuiller [aut] , Damien Georges [aut] , Maya Gueguen [aut, cre] , Robin Engler [aut] , Frank Breiner [aut] , Bruno Lafourcade [aut] , Remi Patin [aut] , Helene Blancheteau [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports stats, utils, methods, terra, sp, reshape, reshape2, abind, foreach, ggplot2, gbm, rpart, MASS, pROC, PresenceAbsence, dplyr
Suggests Hmisc, gam, mgcv, earth, maxnet, mda, nnet, randomForest, xgboost, car, caret, dismo, ENMeval, doParallel, raster, ggpubr, testthat, knitr, markdown, tidyterra, ggtext
Imported by ecospat, gecko, spm.
Suggested by blockCV.
See at CRAN