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4.4-2 by Thomas Lumley, a year ago
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Authors: Thomas Lumley , Peter Gao , Ben Schneider
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports stats, graphics, splines, lattice, minqa, numDeriv, mitools, Rcpp
Depends on grid, methods, Matrix, survival
Suggests foreign, MASS, KernSmooth, hexbin, RSQLite, quantreg, parallel, CompQuadForm, DBI, AER, SUMMER, R.rsp
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Imported by APCI, AuxSurvey, CMMs, COVIDIBGE, DHS.rates, EHRmuse, EpiForsk, GB2, GJRM, GreedyExperimentalDesign, ICS, ICtest, IRexamples, LLM, MCM, MatchThem, MixedIndTests, OVtool, OmnibusFisher, PNADcIBGE, PNDSIBGE, PNSIBGE, PSweight, RCPA3, RNHANES, SAMBA, SBdecomp, SUMMER, SightabilityModel, StroupGLMM, SurveyCC, SvyNom, anthro, apc, calidad, capm, causaldrf, convey, ctablerseh, dvmisc, ech, effects, ergm.ego, glm.predict, healthequal, httk, iNZightPlots, iNZightTools, idcnrba, jointCalib, jskm, jsmodule, jstable, lboxcox, mase, microsynth, mixcure, mpitbR, nrba, poliscidata, povmap, pricesensitivitymeter, robsurvey, sae.projection, sae4health, sampcompR, sate, srvyr, ssfit, subsampling, surveyCV, surveyPrev, surveynnet, surveytable, svrep, svyROC, svyVarSel, svycdiff, svyweight, tab, tableone, twang, twangContinuous, twangMediation.
Depended on by CalibrateSSB, StatMatch, cjoint, csurvey, eatRep, ggsurvey, hopit, mapStats, nonprobsvy, pedgene, relaimpo, sae2, samplingbook, spsurvey, svyVGAM, svydiags, svylme.
Suggested by BIFIEsurvey, PracTools, Qtools, RDS, SDaA, SIPDIBGE, anthroplus, apyramid, broom, broom.helpers, car, cardx, clarify, cpsvote, egor, finalfit, finnsurveytext, ggeffects, ggstats, grattan, gtsummary, guideR, hbsae, hutils, iNZightRegression, inca, inctools, insight, interactions, ipw, jtools, kyotil, logmult, marginaleffects, mcmcsae, modelsummary, modi, nhanesA, optimall, optmatch, parameters, performance, questionr, rbw, rdhs, rineq, sirt, sjPlot, sjstats, sregsurvey, survivalVignettes, tidycensus, vtable.
Enhanced by margins, prediction, stargazer.
See at CRAN