Reference manual

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1.11.0 by Russell V. Lenth, 12 days ago,

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Authors: Russell V. Lenth [aut, cre, cph] , Balazs Banfai [ctb] , Ben Bolker [ctb] , Paul Buerkner [ctb] , Iago Giné-Vázquez [ctb] , Maxime Herve [ctb] , Maarten Jung [ctb] , Jonathon Love [ctb] , Fernando Miguez [ctb] , Julia Piaskowski [ctb] , Hannes Riebl [ctb] , Henrik Singmann [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 | GPL-3 license

Imports estimability, graphics, methods, numDeriv, stats, utils, mvtnorm

Suggests bayesplot, bayestestR, biglm, brms, car, coda, compositions, ggplot2, lattice, logspline, mediation, mgcv, multcomp, multcompView, nlme, ordinal, pbkrtest, lme4, lmerTest, MASS, MuMIn, rsm, knitr, rmarkdown, sandwich, scales, splines, testthat, tibble, xtable

Enhances CARBayes, coxme, gee, geepack, MCMCglmm, MCMCpack, mice, nnet, pscl, rstanarm, sommer, survival

Imported by ARTool, AgroR, CANE, FactoMineR, JWileymisc, LongDat, OlinkAnalyze, SDLfilter, SimplyAgree, StroupGLMM, Superpower, agriTutorial, agriutilities, augmentedRCBD, biometryassist, bruceR, dataquieR, distdichoR, eda4treeR, grafify, healthequal, iNZightPlots, ibd, inti, jmv, mbbe, mi4p, multid, multilevelcoda, peramo, piecewiseSEM, pwr4exp, rbiom, rtpcr, seedreg, statforbiology, statgenGxE, statgenSTA, tern, tern.gee, tern.mmrm.

Depended on by AOboot, LabApplStat, RRphylo, lsmeans, pubh.

Suggested by BrailleR, GGally, GLMMadaptive, PowerTOST, RVAideMemoire, RoBMA, afex, agridat, asremlPlus, bayestestR, brms, brms.mmrm, broom, broom.helpers, cardx, catregs, catseyes, datawizard, effectsize, estimatr, fddm, fixest, ggeffects, ggstats, glmmSeq, glmmTMB, gtsummary, insight, lavaSearch2, logistf, marginaleffects, metafor, mmrm, modelbased, multpois, nlraa, papaja, parameters, r2rtf, rbmi, rempsyc, report, robustlmm, rsm, rstatix, s20x, sdmTMB, see, semTools, spmodel, standardize, survstan, tidybayes, tidystats.

Enhanced by mclogit.

See at CRAN