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0.6-10 by Johan Steen, 2 years ago
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Authors: Johan Steen [aut, cre] , Tom Loeys [aut] , Beatrijs Moerkerke [aut] , Stijn Vansteelandt [aut] , Joris Meys [ctb] (technical support) , Theis Lange [ctb] (valuable suggestions) , Joscha Legewie [ctb] , Paul Fink [ctb] , Sanford Weisberg [ctb] , Yves Rosseel [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports boot, car, Matrix, graphics, sandwich, stats, utils
Depends on multcomp
Suggests arm, gam, glmnet, mice, mitools, rpart, SuperLearner, VGAM
See at CRAN