1.8.4 by Marek Gagolewski, a year ago
https://stringi.gagolewski.com/, https://github.com/gagolews/stringi, https://icu.unicode.org/
Report a bug at https://github.com/gagolews/stringi/issues
Browse source code at https://github.com/cran/stringi
Authors: Marek Gagolewski [aut, cre, cph] , Bartek Tartanus [ctb] , and others (stringi source code); Unicode , Inc. and others (ICU4C source code , Unicode Character Database)
PDF Manual
file LICENSE license
System requirements: ICU4C (>= 61, optional)
Imported by APCalign, AmpGram, BAwiR, BINtools, BWGS, BatchJobs, BiostatsUHNplus, CAOP.RAA.2024, CDMConnector, CITAN, CTNote, CancerGram, CatastRo, CoTiMA, CodelistGenerator, CohortGenerator, CooRTweet, CrossVA, DatastreamDSWS2R, Diderot, DistPlotter, EMJMCMC, Ecfun, GHap, GreedyExperimentalDesign, IAcsSPCR, ICAMS, ICD10gm, IDEATools, IOHanalyzer, ISO11784Tools, KOR.addrlink, LSTbook, LSX, LexisNexisTools, LilRhino, MadanText, MadanTextNetwork, NormalityAssessment, OpenML, OpenMindat, PGRdup, PvSTATEM, QCAcluster, R.temis, RALSA, REDCapDM, REDCapTidieR, RJalaliDate, RNeXML, RNewsflow, RPresto, RSqlParser, RclusTool, RcmdrPlugin.temis, Reacnorm, RepertoiR, Rgff, Rsgf, Rtrack, SSHAARP, SemNetCleaner, SerolyzeR, ShinyQuickStarter, Signac, TheOpenAIR, ThomasJeffersonUniv, Twitmo, WhatsR, Xplortext, aMNLFA, abjutils, abn, acoRn, act, actel, aifeducation, airr, alakazam, amadeus, annotater, antaresRead, audubon, augmentedRCBD, auk, authoritative, batchtools, bdc, bea.R, bibliometrix, biometryassist, bioseq, birdie, bskyr, bupaR, canprot, chinese.misc, cleanNLP, clidatajp, climate, clintools, clockify, clustringr, comorbidity, conflr, cookiemonster, corporaexplorer, corpustools, covidsymptom, cryptotrackr, csv, ctrdata, ctrialsgov, cultevo, cyclestreets, cymruservices, czso, daewr, dartR.sim, data.tree, dataCompareR, dataMaid, dataReporter, dataone, datazoom.amazonia, dbi.table, disclosuR, discoverableresearch, doc2concrete, doudpackage, dplR, dscore, dundermifflin, dynr, eatGADS, eatTools, edgar, emayili, enderecobr, epidata, epidm, epitrix, eplusr, eurostat, evinf, exams.mylearn, exams2sakai, eyelinker, farff, fastLink, felp, fiery, filebin, filesstrings, findInFiles, fixtuRes, flexlsx, flipbookr, flippant, forceplate, formatters, fscache, fusen, fuzzySim, gasanalyzer, gbm.auto, genekitr, geneset, gfer, gganimate, ggfittext, ggfootball, gibasa, gitdown, gmwmx, goxygen, growthPheno, healthyR.ts, highlightr, huxtable, ie2misc, imaginator, immunarch, imola, inldata, inpdfr, ipa, itscalledsoccer, jSDM, janitor, japanstat, journalabbr, jrc, kanjistat, kerntools, klsh, kmeRtone, languageserver, lime, logrx, m5, mRpostman, madrat, mapboxapi, margaret, mastif, mclm, medExtractR, memapp, messydates, miRecSurv, mlms, mlr, mlr3oml, mlrCPO, mnis, monolix2rx, moranajp, mpoly, mscstexta4r, mulea, multipanelfigure, naaccr, naijR, naturaList, necountries, newsmap, njtr1, nodbi, nzffdr, omopgenerics, onc.api, openxlsx, openxlsx2, optigrab, osfr, osmclass, oxcAAR, pacs, path.chain, pdfsearch, pedquant, pgTools, phonetisr, phylotypr, piecemaker, pk.unit.trans, plumber, plumbertableau, podcleaner, poldis, politeness, polmineR, polyRAD, potions, ppgm, presenter, priceR, processcheckR, psmineR, pxmake, qdapRegex, qlcData, quanteda, quanteda.textmodels, quanteda.textplots, quanteda.textstats, r2dii.match, radiant.data, radiant.model, ralger, rangeBuilder, rassta, rattle, rdflib, rdtLite, re, readODS, readabs, readsdr, readtext, ready4, receptiviti, redatam, refinr, reporter, reqres, restez, retrosheet, rextendr, rmcfs, robotoolbox, routr, roxygen2, rprime, rprintf, rslp, rsyntax, rtables, rtables.officer, rwhatsapp, samplesizeestimator, sanketphonetictranslator, saros, saros.base, scCustomize, scitb, scoper, scorecard, sejmRP, sensitivityCalibration, sentimentr, sentometrics, seqtrie, sergeant, sgraph, shazam, shiny.react, shiny.reglog, shinyMixR, shinyquiz, sinew, sistec, sketchy, snakecase, sonicscrewdriver, sqlHelpers, statcheck, statgenIBD, statnipokladna, strex, stringr, stringx, strs, supportR, table.glue, tabxplor, tangram, tardis, tatoo, taxadb, taxize, taxlist, testthis, text, text2map, text2vec, textclean, textpress, textshape, textshaping, textstem, tfrmt, thinkr, thriftr, tidyplus, tigger, timetk, tinycodet, tipitaka, tokenbrowser, tokenizers, transltr, tsentiment, ulex, vegtable, wakefield, webdeveloper, wiesbaden, wikilake, wildcard, wordmap, wordpiece, wordvector, worldfootballR, xmpdf, zipangu, zoolog.
Depended on by ELISAtools, TMDb, dbWebForms.
Suggested by ARTool, CGPfunctions, ClickHouseHTTP, EDFtest, MolgenisArmadillo, NHSRdatasets, RAMClustR, RInno, TeXCheckR, aebdata, alookr, and, arrow, assignPOP, atime, baseballr, bdpar, blsR, box.lsp, charlatan, consort, crosstable, dartR.base, deepdep, diffdf, dlookr, dplyr, drtmle, dwctaxon, epiCleanr, fastRhockey, frictionless, genie, geojson, ggfacto, ggpackets, gips, grwat, hoopR, hrbrthemes, ie2miscdata, inlpubs, interp, jab.adverse.reactions, mapsFinland, mark, minty, mlflow, mlr3mbo, mpitbR, multiverse, nc, nflreadr, oddsapiR, pathwayTMB, pillar, poems, portfolioBacktest, protti, psychmeta, qdap, qgisprocess, qs2, r2dii.data, r2rtf, rKolada, rbi, rbi.helpers, readr, rebus.base, rebus.unicode, redland, rio, rlfsm, rlistings, rvest, rxode2, santoku, scales, sevenbridges2, shiny.fluent, shinyWGD, ssc, stbl, stylo, swirl, tcplfit2, text2speech, textmineR, textrecipes, threesixtygiving, tibble, tidyUSDA, tinytable, tm.plugin.alceste, unine, urlshorteneR, visa, wehoop, wilson, wrMisc.