Reference manual

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0.8.7 by Bob Rudis, a year ago

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Authors: Bob Rudis [aut, cre] , Patrick Kennedy [ctb] , Philipp Reiner [ctb] , Dan Wilson [ctb] (Secondary axis support) , Xavier Adam [ctb] , Google [cph] (Roboto Condensed) , IBM [cph] (Plex Sans Font) , Goldman Sachs [cph] (Goldman Sans Font) , Impallari Type [cph] (Public Sans Font) , Jacob Barnett [ctb] , Thomas J. Leeper [ctb] , Joris Meys [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports ggplot2, grDevices, grid, scales, extrafont, tools, magrittr, gdtools, utils

Suggests testthat, dplyr, gridExtra, hunspell, stringi, gcookbook, clipr, vdiffr, svglite

Imported by EntropicStatistics, EstimateBreed, GTFSwizard, TransProR, conformalInference.multi, dlookr, forensIT, ggScatRidges, multilevelcoda, ratlas, umx.

Depended on by gamblers.ruin.gameplay.

Suggested by CGPfunctions, causalCmprsk, ecotraj, esquisse, ggseqplot, optedr, schtools, tinythemes.

See at CRAN