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0.5.9 by Joe Zhu, 3 months ago,
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Authors: Gabriel Becker [aut] (original creator of the package) , Adrian Waddell [aut] , Davide Garolini [ctb] , Emily de la Rua [ctb] , Abinaya Yogasekaram [ctb] , Joe Zhu [ctb, cre] , F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
Apache License 2.0 license
Imports checkmate, grid, htmltools, lifecycle, stringi
Depends on methods
Suggests dplyr, gt, huxtable, knitr, r2rtf, rmarkdown, testthat, withr
Imported by autoslider.core, chevron, mcradds, tern, tern.gee, tern.mmrm, tern.rbmi.
Depended on by rlistings, rtables.
Suggested by tables.
See at CRAN