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0.2.9 by Aaron Wolen, 3 years ago,
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Authors: Aaron Wolen [aut, cre] , Chris Hartgerink [aut] , Timothy York [ctb] , Ryan Hafen [ctb] , Brian Richards [ctb] , Courtney Soderberg [ctb] , Carl Boettiger [rev] , Heidi Seibold [rev]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports crul, jsonlite, stringi, purrr, tibble, rlang, fs, memoise, httr
Suggests dplyr, logger, rprojroot, brio, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, lintr, covr, spelling, vcr
Imported by crimedata, movementsync.
Suggested by text.
See at CRAN