Reference manual

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0.2.79 by Peter Carbonetto, a year ago

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Authors: Matthew Stephens [aut] , Sarah Urbut [aut] , Gao Wang [aut] , Yuxin Zou [aut] , Yunqi Yang [ctb] , Sam Roweis [cph] , David Hogg [cph] , Jo Bovy [cph] , Peter Carbonetto [aut, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports assertthat, utils, stats, plyr, rmeta, Rcpp, mvtnorm, abind, softImpute

Depends on ashr

Suggests MASS, REBayes, corrplot, testthat, kableExtra, knitr, rmarkdown, profmem, flashier, ebnm

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppGSL

Imported by limorhyde2.

See at CRAN