Reference manual

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0.6.1-1 by David Cortes, 4 months ago

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Authors: David Cortes [aut, cre, cph] , Thibaut Goetghebuer-Planchon [cph] (Copyright holder of included robinmap library) , David Blackman [cph] (Copyright holder of original xoshiro code) , Sebastiano Vigna [cph] (Copyright holder of original xoshiro code) , NumPy Developers [cph] (Copyright holder of formatted ziggurat tables) , SciPy Developers [cph] (Copyright holder of parts of digamma implementation) , Enthought Inc [cph] (Copyright holder of parts of digamma implementation) , Stephen Moshier [cph] (Copyright holder of parts of digamma implementation)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports Rcpp, jsonlite, methods

Suggests MASS, outliertree, DiagrammeR, mlbench, MLmetrics, kernlab, knitr, rmarkdown, kableExtra

Enhances Matrix, SparseM

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by ifCNVR, itsdm.

Depended on by bulkQC.

Suggested by applicable, familiar.

See at CRAN