Reference manual

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0.4.2 by Simon Garnier, 2 years ago,

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Authors: Simon Garnier [aut, cre] , Noam Ross [ctb, cph] , Bob Rudis [ctb, cph] , Marco Sciaini [ctb, cph] , Antônio Pedro Camargo [ctb, cph] , Cédric Scherer [ctb, cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Suggests hexbin, ggplot2, testthat, covr

Imported by ANN2, AdhereRViz, CACIMAR, DiagrammeR, EFAtools, EQUALrepeat, GET, IMIFA, Infusion, IsoriX, MetAlyzer, Morphoscape, Quartet, Rnvd3, astrochron, baldur, bayesdfa, bioRad, cholera, ciftiTools, clinUtils, coursekata, crplyr, cubeview, dabestr, denim, detourr, ebirdst, epm, expowo, fastml, fdasrvf, flipr, fmriqa, foreSIGHT, gaussplotR, ggblanket, googleway, gprofiler2, iraceplot, kableExtra, karyotapR, leaflet, mapping, memoria, mstate, netdiffuseR, oppr, pavo, petersenlab, pkgdepR, plainview, plasma, plotly, rasterVis, revtools, scUtils, scales, sgdGMF, slideview, spDates, staRdom, steps, taxa, tmaptools, vcfR, voluModel, wqtrends.

Depended on by fields, reinsureR, viridis.

Suggested by AdhereR, DirStats, HotellingEllipse, MEDseq, MorphoRegions, RCDT, barrks, colourvalues, csodata, eaf, esvis, geoheatmap, ggDoE, glow, goffda, grandR, graph3d, highcharter, hockeystick, isocat, isogeochem, isotracer, paletteer, palettes, patientProfilesVis, ridgetorus, riskParityPortfolio, rotasym, samc, sensitivity, sfdct, spant, sphunif, targeted, tessellation.

See at CRAN