Reference manual

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1.0.3 by Kabacoff Robert, 3 years ago

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Authors: Kabacoff Robert [aut, cre] , Barich Griffen [ctb] , Jamrog Kelly [ctb] , Kravchenko Elizaveta [ctb] , Kuruvilla Jacob [ctb] , Liu Lex [ctb] , Nakamura Shota [ctb] , Pham Kim [ctb] , Rodriguez Belen [ctb] , Ross Shane [ctb] , Russo Chris [ctb] , Corpuz Frederick [ctb] , Juradat Nurah [ctb] , Karp Harrison [ctb] , Koech Kevin [ctb] , Peters Anna [ctb] , Shah Dhhyey [ctb] , Stevenson Kenneth [ctb] , Thomas-Franz Kaitlyn [ctb] , Zheng Jiner [ctb] , Aldarmaki Ahmed [ctb] , Alneyadi Mohammed [ctb] , Altai Chossis [ctb] , Colorado Sofia [ctb] , Northrop Blake [ctb] , Peretz Shea [ctb] , Qin Cher [ctb] , Tuhabonye Emma [ctb] , Wong Phillip [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, ggcorrplot, multcompView, PMCMRplus, crayon, purrr, haven, rlang, ggExtra, patchwork

Suggests rmarkdown, knitr, kableExtra

See at CRAN