Reference manual

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0.1-10 by Luciano Selzer, 6 months ago

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Authors: Spencer Graves , Hans-Peter Piepho and Luciano Selzer with help from Sundar Dorai-Raj

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL license

Imports grid

Suggests multcomp, pgirmess, MASS

Imported by AgroR, FactoMineR, JWileymisc, LorMe, PMCMRplus, TestDimorph, asbio, augmentedRCBD, biometryassist, canprot, ggpmisc, mlmm.gwas, qacBase, rcompanion, rosetta, rtpcr, seedreg, spANOVA, visStatistics.

Suggested by MiscMetabar, PMCMR, emmeans, ibd, pcutils, peramo.

See at CRAN