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2.2.1 by Barret Schloerke, a year ago,

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Authors: Barret Schloerke [aut, cre] , Di Cook [aut, ths] , Joseph Larmarange [aut] , Francois Briatte [aut] , Moritz Marbach [aut] , Edwin Thoen [aut] , Amos Elberg [aut] , Ott Toomet [ctb] , Jason Crowley [aut] , Heike Hofmann [ths] , Hadley Wickham [ths]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2.0) license

Imports dplyr, tidyr, grDevices, grid, ggstats, gtable, lifecycle, plyr, progress, RColorBrewer, rlang, scales, utils, magrittr

Depends on ggplot2

Suggests broom, broom.helpers, chemometrics, geosphere, ggforce, Hmisc, igraph, intergraph, labelled, maps, mapproj, nnet, network, scagnostics, sna, survival, rmarkdown, roxygen2, testthat, crosstalk, knitr, spelling, emmeans, vdiffr

System requirements: openssl

Imported by AntMAN, BGGM, BasketballAnalyzeR, BayesSurvive, CARBayes, CARBayesST, CINNA, Certara.Xpose.NLME, DescribeDisplay, EGAnet, FPDclustering, GGMncv, GGMnonreg, GUEST, ICSClust, ICtest, ITNr, InflectSSP, MAINT.Data, MRPC, MSclust, MixLFA, NPflow, NetworkChange, OutliersO3, PAsso, PopGenReport, RQdeltaCT, SmartEDA, SpectralClMixed, UNCOVER, WOTPLY, WRSS, adventr, bootcluster, brinton, citrus, clustrd, communication, conserveR, corrViz, cvasi, demodelr, discourseGT, ezEDA, fastml, fect, finalfit, fingerPro, ggPMX, ggmcmc, ggquickeda, growthPheno, gsynth, hmer, iNZightRegression, imageData, jarbes, jmv, jsmodule, klovan, metan, metanetwork, mgcViz, mlergm, mlr3shiny, multilandr, psbcSpeedUp, psyntur, randomForestExplainer, rassta, rbioacc, robCompositions, rrr, rwty, simmr, staRdom, statVisual, tidyCDISC, tidycomm, tip, vivid, webSDM, xpose.xtras.

Depended on by RHMS, freqparcoord.

Suggested by AlleleShift, BAS, DEXiR, EMMIXmfa, PPforest, ParamHelpers, QuantNorm, SHELF, SightabilityModel, SimBIID, WRS2, airGR, bruceR, cassowaryr, clustTMB, codebook, comparer, counterfactuals, coveffectsplot, covsim, cubble, dataquieR, descriptio, ecostats, fic, fpp2, ggpcp, ibawds, innsight, ipsRdbs, loon.ggplot, miWQS, microeco, mlr3viz, mlrMBO, mvMAPIT, nzelect, plotly, qualvar, ridgetorus, robustbase, rosetta, rsurv, sageR, seer, shapr, simdata, spinifex, spup, survstan, tidyseurat, tsfeatures, ubiquity, ufs, ushr, vsp.

See at CRAN