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0.12.1 by Laurent Berge, 9 months ago,
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Authors: Laurent Berge [aut, cre] , Sebastian Krantz [ctb] , Grant McDermott [ctb] , Russell Lenth [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports stats, graphics, grDevices, tools, utils, methods, numDeriv, nlme, sandwich, Rcpp, dreamerr, stringmagic
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, data.table, plm, MASS, pander, ggplot2, lfe, tinytex, pdftools, emmeans, estimability, AER
Linking to Rcpp
Imported by DIDmultiplegt, TwoWayFEWeights, conleyreg, effClust, etwfe, fect, fwlplot, inters, ivDiag, panelsummary, penppml, speccurvieR, tradepolicy.
Depended on by did2s, didimputation, ggfixest.
Suggested by DiDforBigData, RoBMA, broom, broom.helpers, clarify, collapse, fplot, getspanel, ggeffects, insight, marginaleffects, modelsummary, multcomp, parameters, performance, plm, sensemakr, subincomeR, summclust.
Enhanced by texreg.
See at CRAN