Reference manual

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1.7-1 by Jong Hee Park, 7 months ago

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Authors: Andrew D. Martin [aut] , Kevin M. Quinn [aut] , Jong Hee Park [aut, cre] , Ghislain Vieilledent [ctb] , Michael Malecki [ctb] , Matthew Blackwell [ctb] , Keith Poole [ctb] , Craig Reed [ctb] , Ben Goodrich [ctb] , Qiushi Yu [ctb] , Ross Ihaka [cph] , The R Development Core Team [cph] , The R Foundation [cph] , Pierre L'Ecuyer [cph] , Makoto Matsumoto [cph] , Takuji Nishimura [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports graphics, grDevices, lattice, methods, utils, mcmc, quantreg

Depends on coda, MASS, stats

System requirements: gcc (>= 4.0)

Imported by BCClong, BHAI, BMRMM, BMTAR, BSTZINB, Bayenet, BayesDissolution, BayesLCA, BayesMFSurv, BayesPostEst, BayesianFactorZoo, Bergm, CARBayes, CARBayesST, ConsReg, DPtree, FAVAR, HMMmlselect, Hmsc, MBSGS, MBSP, MCPAN, MixSIAR, NMADiagT, NVCSSL, PLMIX, PRSPGx, PortRisk, Rdta, SensMap, StReg, SurrogateBMA, adaptsmoFMRI, animalEKF, bartcs, bayesDP, bayesanova, bayesmove, bayest, bgumbel, bmet, bmstdr, ccpsyc, clickb, coarseDataTools, evolqg, ezECM, factor.switching, fdrDiscreteNull, fungible, gJLS2, hdpGLM, iClusterVB, lchemix, llbayesireg, lsirm12pl, mHMMbayes, maxcombo, mbsts, midas2, miscF, mixAR, multilevelmediation, mvst, noncomplyR, optDesignSlopeInt, poolHelper, popdemo, prolsirm, qgg, quid, riAFTBART, scorematchingad, sectorgap, sizeMat, sorocs, sparsereg, spikeSlabGAM, ssmsn, telescope.

Depended on by BayesESS, NetworkChange, PICBayes, RSGHB, anominate, bacr, brxx, manet, netcmc, pCalibrate, robustsae, twl, uskewFactors.

Suggested by BayesDA, MCMCglmm, MultiBD, Racmacs, bridgesampling, dyn, emIRT, fido, frontier, greta, hmclearn, ivdoctr, multiocc, pscl, qmethod.

Enhanced by emmeans.

See at CRAN