Reference manual

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4.5.0 by François Rousset, 2 months ago,

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Authors: François Rousset [aut, cre, cph] , Jean-Baptiste Ferdy [aut, cph] , Alexandre Courtiol [aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

CeCILL-2 license

Imports methods, stats, graphics, Matrix, MASS, proxy, Rcpp, nlme, nloptr, minqa, pbapply, crayon, gmp, ROI, boot, geometry, numDeriv, backports

Suggests maps, testthat, rcdd, foreach, future, future.apply, RANN, Infusion, IsoriX, blackbox, RSpectra, ROI.plugin.glpk, lme4, rsae, multilevel, agridat

Enhances multcomp, RLRsim, lmerTest

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen

System requirements: GNU Scientific Library (GSL)

Imported by Infusion, IsoriX, NCC, blackbox.

Suggested by DHARMa.

See at CRAN