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3.17.0 by Stef van Buuren, 3 months ago,,
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Authors: Stef van Buuren [aut, cre] , Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn [aut] , Gerko Vink [ctb] , Rianne Schouten [ctb] , Alexander Robitzsch [ctb] , Patrick Rockenschaub [ctb] , Lisa Doove [ctb] , Shahab Jolani [ctb] , Margarita Moreno-Betancur [ctb] , Ian White [ctb] , Philipp Gaffert [ctb] , Florian Meinfelder [ctb] , Bernie Gray [ctb] , Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb] , Mingyang Cai [ctb] , Thom Volker [ctb] , Edoardo Costantini [ctb] , Caspar van Lissa [ctb] , Hanne Oberman [ctb] , Stephen Wade [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports broom, dplyr, glmnet, graphics, grDevices, lattice, mitml, nnet, Rcpp, rpart, stats, tidyr, utils
Suggests broom.mixed, future, furrr, haven, knitr, literanger, lme4, MASS, miceadds, pan, parallelly, purrr, ranger, randomForest, rmarkdown, rstan, survival, testthat
Linking to cpp11, Rcpp
Imported by BaM, CIMPLE, JWileymisc, MIGEE, MIIPW, MRPC, MSiP, MatchThem, MixtureMissing, NIMAA, OTrecod, RBtest, RSquaredMI, RefBasedMI, RulesTools, SBMTrees, StackImpute, SynDI, autoReg, basecamb, bootImpute, clusterMI, cmahalanobis, dlookr, dynr, eatRep, finalfit, gFormulaMI, ggmice, hhsmm, hot.deck, howManyImputations, idem, intmed, logistf, mi4p, miceafter, midoc, mifa, missCompare, missMDA, mixgb, mlim, psfmi, realTimeloads, rqlm, semmcci, seqimpute, smdi, sociome, superMICE, vsmi, weights.
Depended on by CALIBERrfimpute, HardyWeinberg, ImputeRobust, RfEmpImp, TestDataImputation, accelmissing, micd, miceadds, micemd.
Suggested by BGGM, FLAME, HSAUR3, Hmisc, IPWboxplot, LMMstar, LSAmitR, MKinfer, Qtools, adjustedCurves, alookr, betaMC, bipd, brms, brokenstick, broom.helpers, cati, cobalt, dynamite, flevr, gerbil, ggeffects, gtsummary, holodeck, insight, joinet, konfound, manymome, marginaleffects, medflex, metafor, metavcov, miWQS, miceFast, microeco, midastouch, midfieldr, misaem, miselect, missDiag, misty, mitml, modelsummary, monoClust, mvnimpute, mvs, nncc, ordbetareg, parameters, pema, pre, qgcomp, rattle, regmedint, rms, rmsb, semTools, shapeNA, sjmisc, svyweight, tidySEM.
Enhanced by emmeans, mdmb.
See at CRAN