Reference manual

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1.48.4 by Kamil Bartoń, a month ago

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Authors: Kamil Bartoń [aut, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports graphics, methods, Matrix, stats, stats4, nlme, insight

Suggests lme4, mgcv, gamm4, MASS, nnet, survival, geepack, performance

Enhances aod, aods3, betareg, caper, coxme, cplm, gee, glmmML, logistf, MCMCglmm, ordinal, pscl, spatialreg, splm, unmarked, geeM, gamlss, RMark, glmmTMB, brglm, quantreg, maxlike

Imported by AquaticLifeHistory, ConfZIC, TSPred, climwin, cvms, lefko3, piecewiseSEM, povmap, regrrr, umx.

Depended on by glmm.hp.

Suggested by NitrogenUptake2016, RVAideMemoire, bbmle, bruceR, emmeans, geeM, geeasy, glmmTMB, insight, parameters, rTPC.

Enhanced by texreg.

See at CRAN