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0.5.0 by Luis Osorio-Olvera, 5 months ago
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Authors: Luis Osorio-Olvera [aut, cre] , Jorge Soberón [aut] , Rusby G. Contreras-Díaz [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Imports animation, crosstalk, dplyr, furrr, future, graphics, grDevices, igraph, leaflet, magrittr, Matrix, methods, plotly, purrr, raster, Rcpp, Rdpack, RSpectra, sp, stats, utils
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
System requirements: GDAL (>= 2.2.3): gdal-bin (deb), libgdal-dev (deb) or gdal-devel (rmp), GEOS (>= 3.4.0), PROJ (>= 4.9.3): libproj-dev (deb), sqlite3, ImageMagick++: imagemagick (deb), libmagic-dev (deb), libmagick++-dev (deb) or ImageMagick-c++-devel (rpm) ImageMagick ( or GraphicsMagick ( or LyX ( for saveGIF(); (PDF)LaTeX for saveLatex(); SWF Tools ( for saveSWF(); FFmpeg ( or avconv ( for saveVideo()
See at CRAN