Reference manual

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1.5.2 by Gilberto Camara, a month ago,

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Authors: Rolf Simoes [aut] , Gilberto Camara [aut, cre, ths] , Felipe Souza [aut] , Felipe Carlos [aut] , Lorena Santos [ctb] , Karine Ferreira [ctb, ths] , Charlotte Pelletier [ctb] , Pedro Andrade [ctb] , Alber Sanchez [ctb] , Estefania Pizarro [ctb] , Gilberto Queiroz [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports yaml, dplyr, grDevices, graphics, leaflet, lubridate, luz, parallel, purrr, randomForest, Rcpp, rstac, sf, slider, stats, terra, tibble, tidyr, tmap, torch, units, utils

Suggests aws.s3, caret, cli, cols4all, covr, dendextend, dtwclust, DiagrammeR, digest, e1071, exactextractr, FNN, gdalcubes, geojsonsf, ggplot2, httr2, jsonlite, kohonen, methods, mgcv, nnet, openxlsx, proxy, randomForestExplainer, RColorBrewer, RcppArmadillo, scales, spdep, stringr, supercells, testthat, tools, xgboost

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

See at CRAN