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0.2.3 by Tim Appelhans, 2 years ago,
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Authors: Tim Appelhans [cre, aut] , Christoph Reudenbach [ctb] , Kenton Russell [ctb] , Jochen Darley [ctb] , Daniel Montague [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.EasyButton plugin) , Lorenzo Busetto [ctb] , Luigi Ranghetti [ctb] , Miles McBain [ctb] , Sebastian Gatscha [ctb] , Björn Harrtell [ctb, cph] (FlatGeobuf plugin) , Daniel Dufour [ctb, cph] (georaster-layer-for-leaflet) , Yeedle Neuwirth [ctb] , Derek Friend [ctb] , Kevin Cazelles [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports base64enc, geojsonsf, htmltools, htmlwidgets, leaflet, methods, raster, sf, png
Suggests clipr, leafgl, lwgeom, mapdeck, plainview, stars
Imported by mapedit, mapview, rgee, rsat, spatialrisk, tmap, wallace.
Suggested by eSDM, pliman, scapesClassification, ursa.
See at CRAN