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Authors: Johannes Signer [aut, cre] , Brian Smith [ctb] , Bjoern Reineking [ctb] , Ulrike Schlaegel [ctb] , John Fieberg [ctb] , Josh O'Brien [ctb] , Bernardo Niebuhr [ctb] , Alec Robitaille [ctb] , Avgar Tal [ctb] , Scott LaPoint [dtc]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports checkmate, circular, ctmm, data.table, dplyr, fitdistrplus, FNN, graphics, grDevices, KernSmooth, lubridate, MASS, methods, purrr, Rdpack, rlang, sf, sfheaders, stats, survival, terra, tibble, tidyr, utils
Suggests adehabitatLT, broom, ggplot2, ggraph, geosphere, knitr, leaflet, moveHMM, rmarkdown, sessioninfo, suncalc, tidygraph, tinytest, units
Suggested by move.
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