4.1.23 by Beth Atkinson, 9 months ago
https://github.com/bethatkinson/rpart, https://cran.r-project.org/package=rpart
Report a bug at https://github.com/bethatkinson/rpart/issues
Browse source code at https://github.com/cran/rpart
Authors: Terry Therneau [aut] , Beth Atkinson [aut, cre] , Brian Ripley [trl] (producer of the initial R port , maintainer 1999-2017)
PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Depends on graphics, stats, grDevices
Suggests survival
Imported by BT, Bodi, C443, CSMES, CTShiny, CTShiny2, DIscBIO, DMwR2, Dforest, EZtune, FFTrees, HMP, Harvest.Tree, Hmisc, ImHD, ImML, JOPS, JOUSBoost, LTRCtrees, LongituRF, MetabolomicsBasics, Modeler, PDtoolkit, PSAboot, PredPsych, Qindex, RISCA, RRBoost, RSDA, RaSEn, RecordLinkage, SMOTEWB, SSDM, SubgrpID, TSDT, TestsSymmetry, VSURF, aVirtualTwins, aggTrees, agghoo, alookr, autoBagging, autoScorecard, baguette, binst, biomod2, bnclassify, bst, citrus, classmap, creditmodel, deepdive, discSurv, div, dlookr, ebmc, evalITR, explore, farr, featurefinder, flashlight, funkycells, gamclass, geomod, glmnetr, htetree, ibmdbR, ipred, isoboost, lares, less, mcboost, mcca, mice, mikropml, mlearning, monographaR, partykit, plotBart, ppsr, pre, predReliability, psica, qeML, radiant.model, rbooster, rgnoisefilt, rminer, rms, rotationForest, semtree, simputation, spc4sts, statip, stream, supclust, survivalSL, synthpop, tehtuner, traineR, validatesuggest, varbin, vcrpart, visTree, xgrove.
Depended on by AntAngioCOOL, DidacticBoost, GENEAclassify, GPLTR, LearnPCA, LongCART, MTPS, MplusTrees, PSAgraphics, REEMtree, ada, adabag, chemometrics, gamlss.add, iBST, jlctree, longRPart2, maptree, metacart, quint, regclass, rpart.LAD, rpart.plot, rpartScore, spatstat.model, splinetree, stima, treeClust.
Suggested by AutoScore, BatchExperiments, BiodiversityR, CALIBERrfimpute, DAAG, DALEXtra, DoubleML, DynTxRegime, FRESA.CAD, FSelector, FSelectorRcpp, GenericML, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, HandTill2001, IRon, LocalControl, MachineShop, MantaID, MatchIt, OpenML, R2HTML, ROSE, StratifiedMedicine, SuperLearner, UBL, UBayFS, animint2, arsenal, aslib, bartCause, batchtools, bcf, bsnsing, butcher, caTools, candisc, caret, caretEnsemble, catdata, censored, ceterisParibus, classifly, condvis2, counterfactuals, data.tree, dials, doParallel, doSNOW, e1071, easyalluvial, embed, evtree, fdm2id, finetune, flacco, flowml, fmeffects, fscaret, ggResidpanel, ggdendro, ggplot2, iml, imputeGeneric, imputeR, insight, klaR, languageR, lulcc, mboost, medflex, memoria, miesmuschel, mlexperiments, mlr, mlr3, mlr3batchmark, mlr3benchmark, mlr3fairness, mlr3fda, mlr3filters, mlr3fselect, mlr3hyperband, mlr3mbo, mlr3pipelines, mlr3resampling, mlr3spatial, mlr3spatiotempcv, mlr3summary, mlr3torch, mlr3tuning, mlr3tuningspaces, mlr3viz, mlrCPO, mlrMBO, mlrintermbo, mlsurvlrnrs, mosaicModel, naniar, offsetreg, parallelMap, parsnip, partools, pdp, pec, plotmo, pmml, purge, randomForestVIP, rattle, recipes, riskRegression, sense, shapper, sharp, shipunov, soilassessment, sperrorest, stablelearner, stabm, subsemble, superMICE, tidyrules, treeheatr, utiml, vetiver, visNetwork.
Enhanced by d3r, dendextend, prediction, sfsmisc, vip.