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2.9-11 by Torsten Hothorn, 6 months ago
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Authors: Torsten Hothorn [cre, aut] , Peter Buehlmann [aut] , Thomas Kneib [aut] , Matthias Schmid [aut] , Benjamin Hofner [aut] , Fabian Otto-Sobotka [ctb] , Fabian Scheipl [ctb] , Andreas Mayr [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports Matrix, survival, splines, lattice, nnls, quadprog, utils, graphics, grDevices, partykit
Depends on methods, stats, parallel, stabs
Suggests, MASS, fields, BayesX, gbm, mlbench, RColorBrewer, rpart, randomForest, nnet, testthat, kangar00
Imported by DIFboost, GeDS, RobustPrediction, biospear, bujar, carSurv, censored, gamboostMSM, geoGAM, mgwrsar, sgboost, survML, visaOTR.
Depended on by FDboost, InvariantCausalPrediction, boostrq, expectreg, gamboostLSS, gfboost, mermboost, tbm.
Suggested by CompareCausalNetworks, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, MachineShop, catdata, familiar, flowml, fscaret, imputeR, mlr, pre, spikeSlabGAM, sqlscore, stabs, survex, tidyfit.
See at CRAN