Reference manual

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7.0-1 by Max Kuhn, 2 months ago

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Authors: Max Kuhn [aut, cre] , Jed Wing [ctb] , Steve Weston [ctb] , Andre Williams [ctb] , Chris Keefer [ctb] , Allan Engelhardt [ctb] , Tony Cooper [ctb] , Zachary Mayer [ctb] , Brenton Kenkel [ctb] , R Core Team [ctb] , Michael Benesty [ctb] , Reynald Lescarbeau [ctb] , Andrew Ziem [ctb] , Luca Scrucca [ctb] , Yuan Tang [ctb] , Can Candan [ctb] , Tyler Hunt [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports e1071, foreach, grDevices, methods, ModelMetrics, nlme, plyr, pROC, recipes, reshape2, stats, stats4, utils, withr

Depends on ggplot2, lattice

Suggests BradleyTerry2, covr, Cubist, dplyr, earth, ellipse, fastICA, gam, ipred, kernlab, klaR, knitr, MASS, Matrix, mda, mgcv, mlbench, MLmetrics, nnet, pamr, party, pls, proxy, randomForest, RANN, rmarkdown, rpart, spls, superpc, testthat, themis

Imported by AdaSampling, AnalysisLin, BLRShiny, BLRShiny2, BMisc, BioM2, CAST, CEEMDANML, CMShiny, CSCNet, CTShiny, CTShiny2, ClinicalUtilityRecal, CondiS, ConfusionTableR, ContaminatedMixt, CopulaCenR, Coxmos, D2MCS, DMTL, DSAM, DamiaNN, DebiasInfer, DeepLearningCausal, EMgaussian, Ecume, EpiSemble, FAST.R, FFTrees, FLORAL, FastJM, FeatureTerminatoR, FuncNN, FunctanSNP, GB5mcPred, GPCMlasso, HTRX, HaploCatcher, ImFoR, ImML, ImVol, JMH, KCSKNNShiny, KCSNBShiny, KMEANS.KNN, KNNShiny, LPRelevance, LassoGEE, LncFinder, MBMethPred, MLDataR, MNLR, MRFcov, MSiP, MUVR2, MetabolomicsBasics, MiDA, MiMIR, NBShiny, NBShiny2, NBShiny3, NEONiso, NeuralSens, NonProbEst, OOS, OddsPlotty, OncoSubtype, OpEnHiMR, PredPsych, PriceIndices, RCTrep, RGCCA, RISCA, RStoolbox, RaSEn, RadialVisGadgets, RankPCA, RelimpPCR, Rtropical, SAiVE, SLEMI, SoftBart, TSEAL, TSGS, TrafficBDE, VIMPS, WMAP, WRTDStidal, WaveletGBM, WaveletKNN, WaveletLSTM, WaveletML, aLFQ, aggTrees, ampir, assignPOP, autoBagging, bnviewer, bspcov, caretEnsemble, caretForecast, cdgd, classifierplots, coca, combat.enigma, cytominer, daltoolbox, datafsm, dfr, dissever, driveR, dtComb, eclust, evalITR, fairness, flevr, flowml, fmf, geomod, glmtrans, glmtree, hdcate, heimdall, hypervolume, iForecast, iSFun, icardaFIGSr, idiolect, iimi, imanr, immunaut, imt, ipd, kfa, l1spectral, less, lilikoi, loadeR, m2b, mand, matrans, mcca, metaEnsembleR, meteo, mgwrsar, mikropml, mlmts, mlquantify, modelgrid, mosaicModel, mpae, mtlgmm, multiclassPairs, mxnorm, nbTransmission, nestedcv, noisemodel, nonet, npcs, omu, oncrawlR, outliers.ts.oga, panelWranglR, pathwayTMB, peptoolkit, pheble, planningML, pomodoro, pprof, predtoolsTS, priorityelasticnet, promor, rQSAR, rTLsDeep, refitME, rmda, robustcov, roseRF, sMTL, scR, sentometrics, sgs, skedastic, smdi, soilassessment, sregsurvey, ssr, stabiliser, stepPenal, studyStrap, survcompare, survivalSL, swag, tRigon, varEst, waterquality, waves.

Depended on by AntAngioCOOL, AutoStepwiseGLM, JQL, MRReg, MSclassifR, MantaID, RandPro, SpatialML, adabag, criticality, dbcsp, fscaret, manymodelr, natstrat, stacking.

Suggested by AppliedPredictiveModeling, ENMTools, EventDetectR, FACT, FastImputation, GAparsimony, Infusion, LKT, NHSRdatasets, NeuralNetTools, SAMtool, SLOPE, SSLR, SmCCNet, SmartMeterAnalytics, SuperLearner, UBayFS, aVirtualTwins, archetyper, basemodels, biomod2, biplotEZ, breakDown, broom, bundle, butcher, cat2cat, ciu, cobalt, condvis2, counterfactuals, discSurv, doParallel, doSNOW, easyalluvial, fdm2id, fmeffects, fullRankMatrix, fuseMLR, gcplyr, ibawds, idm, iml, imputeR, iprior, latrend, lulcc, metaforest, metamicrobiomeR, mlr, mlr3filters, mlr3spatiotempcv, mmb, moreparty, mshap, opera, pcvr, pdp, pmml, posterior, pre, predfairness, purgeR, r2pmml, randomForestSRC, regsem, rmlnomogram, sageR, sits, spFSR, spatialEco, spectacles, ssc, strip, subsemble, superml, tornado, varrank, vetiver, vivid, waywiser, wconf.

Enhanced by bestglm, prediction, vip.

See at CRAN