Reference manual

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4.6.0 by Noah Greifer, a month ago,

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Authors: Daniel Ho [aut] , Kosuke Imai [aut] , Gary King [aut] , Elizabeth Stuart [aut] , Alex Whitworth [ctb] , Noah Greifer [cre, aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports backports, chk, rlang, Rcpp, utils, stats, graphics, grDevices

Suggests optmatch, Matching, rgenoud, quickmatch, nnet, rpart, mgcv, CBPS, dbarts, randomForest, glmnet, gbm, gurobi, cobalt, boot, marginaleffects, sandwich, survival, RcppProgress, highs, Rglpk, Rsymphony, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat

Linking to Rcpp, RcppProgress

Imported by EpiForsk, MatchThem, PSAboot, RCTrep, causalBatch, cem, jsmodule, netdiffuseR, psBayesborrow, psborrow, sitepickR, vaccineff.

Depended on by CBPS.

Suggested by clarify, cobalt, jointVIP, lmw, marginaleffects, psborrow2, sim.BA, table1, tidysmd.

See at CRAN