Reference manual

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0.2.1 by Hadley Wickham, 6 years ago

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Authors: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports tools

Suggests testthat, covr

Imported by APackOfTheClones, AcceptReject, AzureAppInsights, BayesMultMeta, BayesMultiMode, Bioi, CAISEr, CALANGO, CausalImpact, Certara.RsNLME, ConsensusClustering, DGEobj, DGEobj.utils, DTComPair, DataSpaceR, ExpDE, FastKNN, FastUtils, FitUltD, GLMMcosinor, GillespieSSA2, GlmSimulatoR, IOHexperimenter, KMEANS.KNN, MAICtools, MOCHA, MOEADr, MigrationDetectR, NHSRplotthedots, NetworkInference, OncoBayes2, PLEXI, RBesT, RCLabels, RClimacell, REDCapCAST, RefBasedMI, Rwtss, SAMprior, SensIAT, SoilR, TexExamRandomizer, TidyMultiqc, Tplyr, XKCDdata, activAnalyzer, admiralvaccine, adobeanalyticsr, afmToolkit, aglm, ale, altair, anndata, antaresEditObject, antaresRead, antaresViz, arrow, auk, autoslider.core, basecamb, bayefdr, bigrquerystorage, binman, bioRad, bnclassify, bnviewer, bodycompref, boxr, breathtestcore, campsis, campsismod, canaper, chatAI4R, chillR, cicerone, cjar, clinspacy, clustringr, cmpsR, cms, cmsafops, cmsafvis, coala, cobiclust, codyn, colorplane, condensr, conogive, convertid, cthist, cvCovEst, d3po, datacutr, dataset, decisionSupport, deepRstudio, deflist, designit, diceR, diffdf, disto, dkanr, dsTidyverseClient, dwctaxon, dyngen, dynparam, dynutils, dynwrap, easydb, easypackages, ech, eemR, einet, epe4md, epo, ern, extendedFamily, fairadapt, fastrerandomize, fbar, fbnet, fcci, ffp, flexsurv, flintyR, flocker, frenchdata, funkyheatmap, fuzzr, gastempt, geoAr, geouy, ggPMX, ggpcp, ggsom, ggvis, gistr, git2rdata, glmmfields, glmtrans, googleAnalyticsR, googleAuthR, googleCloudStorageR, googleComputeEngineR, googleLanguageR, googleTagManageR, gptstudio, grattan, greekLetters, gwasrapidd, hal9001, haldensify, heatmaply, highcharter, holodeck, humanize, huxtable, ie2misc, imaginator, implyr, install.load, iotables, jaatha, kdensity, keyring, langevitour, latexdiffr, latrend, lifx, lime, listWithDefaults, liteq, lmds, luzlogr, mRpostman, mailR, managelocalrepo, mashr, matsbyname, matsindf, mcvis, measurementProtocol, mergen, mergenstudio, meteoland, meteospain, metricminer, microCRAN, miniCRAN, mixvlmc, mizer, mknapsack, mnda, moexer, mosqcontrol, move2,, nakagami, nandb, nanostringr, neotoma2, neuroim, nima, nlpred, noah, normfluodbf, nplyr, openai, opinAr, oppr, ordinalsimr, origami, osrmr, packer, paramlink, pharmaRTF, pkgcond, pkgnet, pomcheckr, ppendemic, prcbench, precrec, predictNMB, prioriactions, prioritizr, prt, ptvapi, pubmedtk, pubtatordb, qgisprocess, qrcode, qrlabelr, qtl2ggplot, qtl2pattern, qualpalr, rDataPipeline, raptr, ratelimitr, rbmi, rebird, regions, regmedint, remindR, repoRter.nih, reqres, reservr, restez, restoptr, retroharmonize, reutils, rfisheries, rgoogleclassroom, rgoogleslides, ricu, rmake, rmapzen, rmdfiltr, rnr, routr, rprime, rvinecopulib, rvmethod, saeRobust, safer, salty, santoku, sapfluxnetr, scUtils, sdmTMB, sdtm.oak, seasonalityPlot, secret, semver, seqgendiff, shinyHugePlot, shinytest, simMetric, simcausal, slimrec, sortable, spotifyr, spreadr, spsComps, spsUtil, sss, staplr, starsTileServer, stepcount, superml, surveydata, surveytable, surveyvoi, svines, tabulator, tatoo, tatooheene, tensr, testthis, textreuse, thinkr, tibbletime, tidydice, tidyjson, tidyrgee, tidytlg, tipmap, togglr, tornado, triangle, tricolore, txshift, uncorbets, univariateML, unstruwwel, updog, uptasticsearch, urlshorteneR, useful, varitas, vegawidget, vembedr, versioning, viafr, vinereg, vistime, vol2birdR, wdman, wdpar, x3ptools, xgxr, xpose.xtras, ztype.

Depended on by DiffNet, bulletcp.

Suggested by SCpubr, immunarch, mikropml, periscope2, psborrow, reproducer.

See at CRAN