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install.packages("reticulate") by Tomasz Kalinowski, 15 days ago,

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Authors: Tomasz Kalinowski [ctb, cre] , Kevin Ushey [aut] , JJ Allaire [aut] , RStudio [cph, fnd] , Yuan Tang [aut, cph] , Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb, cph] , Bryan Lewis [ctb, cph] , Sigrid Keydana [ctb] , Ryan Hafen [ctb, cph] , Marcus Geelnard [ctb, cph] (TinyThread library ,

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License 2.0 license

Imports Matrix, Rcpp, RcppTOML, graphics, here, jsonlite, methods, png, rappdirs, utils, rlang, withr

Suggests callr, knitr, glue, cli, rmarkdown, pillar, testthat

Linking to Rcpp

System requirements: Python (>= 2.7.0)

Imported by ARMALSTM, BRACoD.R, CytOpT, DNNSIM, DesignCTPB, DominoDataR, DrDimont, EEMDlstm, EFAfactors, EWSmethods, FMAT, FORTLS, FSDAM, GeneSelectR, GeoMongo, LDNN, MBMethPred, MFSIS, MGPSDK, ML2Pvae, MaOEA, PAMpal, PressPurt, PsychWordVec, PytrendsLongitudinalR, RAthena, RChest, RGF, RLescalation, RLoptimal, RPyGeo, RcausalEGM, ReSurv, Robyn, Rstg, Seurat, SpatialDDLS, TSdeeplearning, TheOpenAIR, Trading, VecDep, VertexWiseR, XRPython, acro, ag5Tools, agcounts, aifeducation, altair, animl, anndata, arcpy, autokeras, autovi, azuremlsdk, bbknnR, bigergm, bolt4jr, botor, brickster, caracas, causact, chess, chromConverter, cleanNLP, clinspacy, criticality, daltoolbox, decompDL, deepredeff, deepregression, deeptrafo, dgpsi, dynamicSDM, ebm, edgebundle, eseis, fastai, fastrerandomize, fibos, forImage, fuzzywuzzyR, gdverse, grafzahl, greta, greta.censored, h2o4gpu, heimdall, hollr, iRfcb, interplex, ip2location, ip2locationio, ip2proxy, ip2whois, janus, keras, keras3, kerastuneR, kgen, laminr, leiden, lilikoi, lionfish, mafR, meltt, mglasso, mgpStreamingSDK, mhcnuggetsr, mmstat4, mnda, motifr, mxnorm, neptune, neuralGAM, nmslibR, nser, onnx, pharmr, phateR, processpredictR, pyMTurkR, pysd2r, pysparklyr, qmj, rIACI, rTLsDeep, rTorch, rasciidoc, rdaisi, rdataretriever, reservoirnet, rgee, rgeedim, rgeomstats, rpyANTs, rpymat, sarp.snowprofile.pyface, sasr, scaffolder, scapGNN, sendigR,, shapper, simulariatools, sisireg, sjSDM, slendr, smallsets, snap, snowquery, spacyr, sqlparseR, ssw, stepcount, stepmixr, streetscape, stressor, sudachir, tensorflow, text, tfNeuralODE, tfaddons, tfautograph, tfdatasets, tfdeploy, tfestimators, tfhub, tfio, tfprobability, tfruns, theft, tidyrgee, tm.plugin.mail, transforEmotion, transformerForecasting, tsLSTMx, umap, validmind, voice, xlcharts.

Depended on by RISCA, f1dataR, mixKernel, ngboostForecast, rMIDAS.

Suggested by CRMetrics, ClustAssess, DALEXtra, IFC, IOHanalyzer, Infusion, PatientLevelPrediction, PhysicalActivity, ProjectTemplate, RIA, RaMS, RcppArmadillo, RcppCNPy, SCORPIUS, SCdeconR, SLmetrics, TDApplied, arrow, causalOT, codez, coro,, dMod, dataquieR, fastGLCM, filebin, findpython, flourishcharts, govdown, ieegio, iterors, knitr, learnr, marginaleffects, mlflow, mshap, nn2poly, parseRPDR, pdp, phoenix, plotly, precommit, qeML, rcaiman, renv, reservr, rsconnect, rworkflows, scCustomize, sessioninfo, sigminer, smoof, sonicscrewdriver, stevedore, survex, survivalSL, survivalmodels, textrecipes, tfevents, vetiver, wikilake, workflowr.

See at CRAN