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2.23-26 by Brian Ripley, 3 months ago
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Authors: Matt Wand [aut] , Cleve Moler [ctb] (LINPACK routines in src/d*) , Brian Ripley [trl, cre, ctb] (R port and updates)
Documentation: PDF Manual
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Suggests MASS, carData
Imported by BayLum, BiplotGUI, CausalGPS, CoMiRe, DRDRtest, DSWE, DVHmetrics, DeBoinR, FactoClass, FiSh, HRW, IFC, IndexConstruction, Mercator, MonotoneHazardRatio, NCA, NPFD, Rtrack, SCBmeanfd, SensIAT, SensoMineR, Seurat, TPCselect, TSclust, TSdist, VisCov, YEAB, adegraphics, amt, cholera, classInt, condSURV, curvHDR, diveMove, earlywarnings, ftsa, ggalt, gplots, hdcate, hdrcde, hdthreshold, hoardeR, jamba, jocre, kamila, kdevine, kernplus, ks, localIV, longsurr, mgcViz, mpm, mxnorm, panelhetero, philentropy, prevR, prodlim, promotionImpact, quantCurves, quantdr, r2d2, rassta, rcrimeanalysis, rddtools, refreg, robsurvey, rstanbdp, shazam, shotGroups, sigQC, siqr, spd, stopp, stpp, survidm, survivalREC, tsdistributions.
Depended on by BwQuant, GoFKernel, MPV, PlotContour, RCMinification, TPmsm, gammSlice, gb, mpmi, qualV, sharpData, sharpPen, sspse, vcPB.
Suggested by AER, DHARMa, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, HistData, LaplacesDemon, MSG, MVA, NCmisc, PBSmodelling, REN, RGraphics, XDNUTS, aroma.core, bayestestR, colorspace, copula, cutpointr, integIRTy, kernelboot, kldest, latentnet, lattice, lava, lessR, mapsFinland, openair, pagoda2, prettydoc, rstan, simsem, stm, survey, tidyvpc, vcd.
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