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0.16-2 by Yixuan Qiu, 8 months ago
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Authors: Yixuan Qiu [aut, cre] , Jiali Mei [aut] (Function interface of matrix operation) , Gael Guennebaud [ctb] (Eigenvalue solvers from the 'Eigen' library) , Jitse Niesen [ctb] (Eigenvalue solvers from the 'Eigen' library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MPL (>= 2) license
Imports Matrix, Rcpp
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, prettydoc
Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen
Imported by ClimMobTools, GhostKnockoff, Gmedian, HCD, HDANOVA, HDMFA, Holomics, HyperG, IALS, KOFM, LSX, MatrixCorrelation, NetworkDistance, NetworkReg, OLCPM, OPTtesting, PlackettLuce, RGMM, RMLPCA, Rdimtools, Rfssa, RobRegression, SDPDmod, SISIR, ScorePlus, Seurat, SpectralClMixed, SplitKnockoff, TopicScore, Vicus, bamm, bigstatsr, bigutilsr, blapsr, bspcov, castor, cvCovEst, ddpca, dtwclust, fase, fastRG, fastadi, filling, funcharts, fungible, fuser, gasper, greed, gsbm, ideanet, kbal, knockoff, lfmm, locStra, maotai, markerpen, miRNAss, missSBM, motifcluster, multiblock, multiness, multivarious, pcadapt, phylter, qlcVisualize, quanteda.textmodels, rARPACK, rags2ridges, rainette, randnet, rhype, scTenifoldKnk, scTenifoldNet, sgdGMF, smartsnp, sparseLRMatrix, sparsegl, tall, textmineR, ubms, umap, uwot, vsp, wordvector.
Depended on by SKAT, SmartSVA, fad, onlinePCA, pPCA.
Suggested by FactorHet, InspectChangepoint, Rssa, bigsnpr, butcher, celltrackR, countland, epca, ggmix, hydra, lme4breeding, nett, rSPDE, recipes, redist, sommer, spaMM, spatialreg, spdep, treestats, yacca.
Linked to by WpProj, autoFRK, oem.
See at CRAN