Reference manual

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2.10.7 by Gordon Smyth, 17 years ago

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Authors: Gordon Smyth with contributions from Matthew Ritchie , Jeremy Silver , James Wettenhall , Natalie Thorne , Mette Langaas , Egil Ferkingstad , Marcus Davy , Francois Pepin and Dongseok Choi.

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

LGPL license

Depends on methods

Suggests affy, marray, MASS, splines, sma, statmod, vsn

Imported by BPM, CIDER, Cascade, DiPALM, GSEMA, GWASbyCluster, Grouphmap, INCATome, MKmisc, MKomics, MSclassifR, MetAlyzer, MiDA, OncoSubtype, Patterns, ProtE, RANKS, RCPA, RPPanalyzer, TransProR, aliases2entrez, batchtma, cinaR, dsb, eLNNpairedCov, lfproQC, lilikoi, limorhyde2, lipidomeR, metaMA, mi4p, miRtest, newIMVC, nlcv, plfMA, promor, scBio, scGOclust, scRNAtools, scROSHI, ssizeRNA, statVisual, tinyarray, treediff, wrProteo.

Depended on by BALLI, BioInsight, CEDA, DAAGbio, DRomics, PerfMeas, countTransformers, cp4p, fmt, ttScreening.

Suggested by AnnoProbe, DGEobj.utils, GiANT, LPS, NACHO, Platypus, RepeatedHighDim, SCdeconR, Seurat, aroma.affymetrix, canvasXpress, corncob, easybio, hexbin, limorhyde, maGUI, pctax, pmartR, protti, seqgendiff, simphony, st, volcano3D, wrGraph, wrMisc, wrTopDownFrag.

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