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2.0.0 by Derek Young, 2 years ago
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Authors: Derek Young [aut, cre] , Tatiana Benaglia [aut] , Didier Chauveau [aut] , David Hunter [aut] , Kedai Cheng [aut] , Ryan Elmore [ctb] , Thomas Hettmansperger [ctb] , Hoben Thomas [ctb] , Fengjuan Xuan [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports kernlab, MASS, plotly, scales, segmented, stats, survival
Imported by AFM, CEDA, DSWE, EntropyMCMC, IMIX, INFOSET, MiRKAT, MixSemiRob, QuantileGH, RprobitB, UpDown, ZetaSuite, beastt, biodosetools, dafishr, ddpcr, enviGCMS, extrememix, ggrasp, kernplus, l1kdeconv, mcrPioda, opGMMassessment, plotmm, rnaCrosslinkOO, rstanbdp, scPloidy, scapGNN, serocalculator, ztpln.
Depended on by MisRepARMA.
Suggested by BSL, FCPS, MOCHA, Seurat, fmx, latrend, mable, nett, plotGMM.
See at CRAN