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Authors: Tianqi Chen [aut] , Tong He [aut] , Michael Benesty [aut] , Vadim Khotilovich [aut] , Yuan Tang [aut] , Hyunsu Cho [aut] , Kailong Chen [aut] , Rory Mitchell [aut] , Ignacio Cano [aut] , Tianyi Zhou [aut] , Mu Li [aut] , Junyuan Xie [aut] , Min Lin [aut] , Yifeng Geng [aut] , Yutian Li [aut] , Jiaming Yuan [aut, cre] , XGBoost contributors [cph] (base XGBoost implementation)
Documentation: PDF Manual
Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE license
Imports Matrix, methods, data.table, jsonlite
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, ggplot2, DiagrammeR, Ckmeans.1d.dp, vcd, testthat, lintr, igraph, float, crayon, titanic
System requirements: GNU make, C++17
Imported by BioPred, CRE, CausalGPS, DICEM, DSAM, DSWE, DeepLearningCausal, EFAfactors, EHRmuse, EIX, GPCERF, GeneralisedCovarianceMeasure, ImHD, LTFHPlus, MBMethPred, MSclassifR, PoweREST, PriceIndices, ReSurv, SELF, SEMdeep, SHAPforxgboost, TSCI, adapt4pv, alookr, audrex, autoBagging, autostats, causalweight, cpfa, creditmodel, csmpv, dblr, ddml, fastrmodels, glmnetr, iimi, inTrees, irboost, latentFactoR, ldmppr, mikropml, mixgb, modeltime, nfl4th, nflfastR, nsga3, oncrawlR, personalized, predhy, predhy.GUI, predictoR, promor, radiant.model, rminer, roseRF,, shapviz, simPop, surveyvoi, tidybins, traineR, tsensembler, twang, visaOTR, wactor, weightedGCM, xgb2sql, xrf.
Depended on by PIE, twangRDC.
Suggested by BAGofT, Boruta, DALEXtra, FLAME, GenericML, MIC, MachineShop, MantaID, ParBayesianOptimization, PheCAP, SuperLearner, bigsnpr, biomod2, breakDown, bundle, butcher, coefplot, comets, cornet,, drape, easyalluvial, embed, explore, familiar, fastml, fdm2id, flevr, flowml, forecastML, lime, marginaleffects, mcboost, miesmuschel, mlflow, mllrnrs, mlr, mlr3benchmark, mlr3hyperband, mlr3learners, mlr3shiny, mlr3tuning, mlr3tuningspaces, mlr3viz, mlsurvlrnrs, modelStudio, modeltime.ensemble, nlpred, offsetreg, parsnip, pdp, pmml, polle, qeML, r2pmml, rBayesianOptimization, rattle, sense, shapr, sits, stackgbm, superMICE, superml, survex, targeted, tidypredict, tidysdm, treeshap, tune, twangMediation, utiml, vetiver, vimp, vivid.
Enhanced by fastshap, vip.
See at CRAN