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4.6.0-1 by Michael Chirico, 2 months ago
Browse source code at
Authors: Michael Chirico [aut, cre] , Jens Oehlschlägel [aut] , Leonardo Silvestri [ctb] , Ofek Shilon [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports graphics, methods, stats, utils
Depends on bit
Suggests testthat, withr
Imported by BrokenAdaptiveRidge, CVXR, Cyclops, DatabaseConnector, RClickhouse, RITCH, RMariaDB, RPostgres, RPresto, RSQLite, Rdiagnosislist, TreeTools, allofus, antaresRead, arrow, bigrquery, bigrquerystorage, boxr, connectapi, cooltools, dbi.table, disk.frame, docore, dtts, epitweetr, fbRads, framecleaner, gdalraster, hdf5r, heims, influxdbclient, mlr3oml, move2, nanotime, odbc, panstarrs, pvLRT, rFIA, rbedrock, rtweet, sergeant, shinyHugePlot, shinylogs, torch, ukbnmr, vroom, whSample.
Depended on by LSPFP, RGoogleFit.
Suggested by AzureKusto, DrugUtilisation, GSODR, PatientProfiles, RAthena, RNetCDF, RcppFarmHash, RcppInt64, RcppSimdJson, adbi, bit, collapse, constructive, ctmm, data.table, dataCompareR, dbplyr, diffdf, dittodb, duckdb, editbl, filearray, fst, growthcleanr, gtfs2gps, h2o, hdfqlr, hilbert, iml, ivs, lazytrade, mlr, nanoarrow, nanoparquet, noctua, occCite, omopgenerics, pillar, ravetools, rdwd, readNSx, rio, s2, santoku, scales, tibble, tidytable, tiledb, vctrs, waldo, writexl, yyjsonr.
Enhanced by csvread.
See at CRAN