Reference manual

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0.4-17 by Christoph Bergmeir, 10 months ago

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Authors: Christoph Bergmeir [aut, cre, cph] , José M. Benítez [ths] , Andreas Zell [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Niels Mache [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Günter Mamier [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Michael Vogt [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Sven Döring [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Ralf Hübner [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Kai-Uwe Herrmann [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Tobias Soyez [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Michael Schmalzl [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Tilman Sommer [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Artemis Hatzigeorgiou [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Dietmar Posselt [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Tobias Schreiner [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Bernward Kett [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Martin Reczko [ctb] (Part of original SNNS external contributors) , Martin Riedmiller [ctb] (Part of original SNNS external contributors) , Mark Seemann [ctb] (Part of original SNNS external contributors) , Marcus Ritt [ctb] (Part of original SNNS external contributors) , Jamie DeCoster [ctb] (Part of original SNNS external contributors) , Jochen Biedermann [ctb] (Part of original SNNS external contributors) , Joachim Danz [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Christian Wehrfritz [ctb] (Part of original SNNS development team) , Patrick Kursawe [ctb] (Contributors to SNNS Version 4.3) , Andre El-Ama [ctb] (Contributors to SNNS Version 4.3)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

LGPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE license

Depends on methods, Rcpp

Suggests scatterplot3d, NeuralNetTools

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by FRI, TSPred, noisemodel, rasclass, semiArtificial.

Suggested by NeuralNetTools, NeuralSens, flowml, fscaret, mlr.

Enhanced by vip.

See at CRAN