Reference manual

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1.3.3 by Lampros Mouselimis, 9 months ago

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Authors: Lampros Mouselimis [aut, cre] , Conrad Sanderson [cph] (Author of the C++ Armadillo library) , Ryan Curtin [cph] (Author of the C++ Armadillo library) , Siddharth Agrawal [cph] (Author of the C code of the Mini-Batch-Kmeans algorithm ( , Brendan Frey [cph] (Author of the matlab code of the Affinity propagation algorithm (for commercial use please contact the author of the matlab code)) , Delbert Dueck [cph] (Author of the matlab code of the Affinity propagation algorithm) , Vitalie Spinu [ctb] (Github Contributor)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports Rcpp, graphics, grDevices, utils, stats, gmp, ggplot2, lifecycle

Suggests OpenImageR, FD, testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

System requirements: libarmadillo: apt-get install -y libarmadillo-dev (deb), libblas: apt-get install -y libblas-dev (deb), liblapack: apt-get install -y liblapack-dev (deb), libarpack++2: apt-get install -y libarpack++2-dev (deb), gfortran: apt-get install -y gfortran (deb), libgmp3: apt-get install -y libgmp3-dev (deb), libfftw3: apt-get install -y libfftw3-dev (deb), libtiff5: apt-get install -y libtiff5-dev (deb)

Imported by ClustImpute, Clustering, PUGMM, Spectrum, bssn, clusterMI, ctpm, demu, jackstraw, mlmts, opGMMassessment, patternize, text2map, tidybins.

Suggested by FCPS, ScatterDensity, butcher, mlr, mlr3cluster, nonet, superml, tidyclust.

Linked to by SuperpixelImageSegmentation.

See at CRAN