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2.2.2 by Greg Ridgeway, 8 months ago
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Authors: Greg Ridgeway [aut, cre] , Daniel Edwards [ctb] , Brian Kriegler [ctb] , Stefan Schroedl [ctb] , Harry Southworth [ctb] , Brandon Greenwell [ctb] , Bradley Boehmke [ctb] , Jay Cunningham [ctb] , GBM Developers [aut] (
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE license
Imports lattice, parallel, survival
Suggests covr, gridExtra, knitr, pdp, RUnit, splines, tinytest, vip, viridis
Imported by ARTtransfer, Bodi, CRE, CoxAIPW, DeepLearningCausal, EZtune, EnsembleBase, EpiSemble, GB5mcPred, MEGB, MiDA, OpEnHiMR, PSweight, RSDA, SDMtune, SSDM, WaveletGBM, aihuman, autoMrP, biomod2, bonsaiforest, bst, bujar, countSTAR, crispRdesignR, crossurr, ecospat, enmSdmX, evalITR,, gbts, inTrees, lilikoi, metaEnsembleR, mob, mvGPS, paths, pomodoro, precmed, qeML, ranktreeEnsemble, regressoR, rgnoisefilt, scorecardModelUtils, spm, spm2, statVisual, traineR, tsensembler, twang, twangContinuous, twangMediation, visualpred, xgrove.
Depended on by gbm2sas, mma.
Suggested by BiodiversityR, DALEXtra, MachineShop, MatchIt, SuperLearner, WeightIt, caretEnsemble, cdgd, ciu, cobalt, condvis2, corrgrapher, creditmodel, cvwrapr, dismo, dynamicSDM, fairmodels, flowml, fscaret, imputeR, insight, mboost, mlr, mpae, nestedcv, npcs, opera, pdp, plotmo, pmml, posterior, psborrow2, rSAFE, riskRegression, shapr, subsemble, superMICE, survex, treeshap, triplot, vivid.
Enhanced by vip.
See at CRAN