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5.3.4 by Stephen Milborrow, 6 months ago
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Authors: Stephen Milborrow [aut, cre] , Trevor Hastie [aut] , Rob Tibshirani [aut] , Alan Miller [ctb] , Thomas Lumley [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Depends on Formula, plotmo
Suggests gam, mgcv, mda, MASS
Imported by CEEMDANML, MARSGWR, SSDM, WaveletML, bujar, cmaRs, ecm, finnts, gbts, invacost, moderate.mediation, nlnet, pheble, pre, rbooster, tehtuner, tsensembler, viralx, voi.
Depended on by MARSANNhybrid, MARSSVRhybrid.
Suggested by BiodiversityR, CausalGPS, IRon, MachineShop, SuperLearner, baguette, binst, biomod2, butcher, caret, caretEnsemble, discrim, easyalluvial, eclust, fastshap, flowml, fscaret, healthyR.ts, imputeR, joinet, mda, mlr, mlrMBO, modeltime, modeltime.ensemble, parsnip, pdp, plotmo, qvirus, r2pmml, rpart.plot, spatialEco, subsemble, superMICE, tidypredict, tidysdm, viraldomain, viralmodels.
Enhanced by prediction, vip.
See at CRAN