Reference manual

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0.1-35 by Julia Wrobel, 7 months ago

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Authors: Jeff Goldsmith [aut] , Fabian Scheipl [aut] , Lei Huang [aut] , Julia Wrobel [aut, cre] , Chongzhi Di [aut] , Jonathan Gellar [aut] , Jaroslaw Harezlak [aut] , Mathew W. McLean [aut] , Bruce Swihart [aut] , Luo Xiao [aut] , Ciprian Crainiceanu [aut] , Philip T. Reiss [aut] , Yakuan Chen [ctb] , Sonja Greven [ctb] , Lan Huo [ctb] , Madan Gopal Kundu [ctb] , So Young Park [ctb] , David L. Miller [ctb] , Ana-Maria Staicu [ctb] , Erjia Cui [aut] , Ruonan Li [ctb] , Zheyuan Li [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports fda, Matrix, lattice, boot, mgcv, MASS, magic, nlme, gamm4, lme4, RLRsim, splines, grpreg, ggplot2, stats, pbs, methods

Suggests RColorBrewer, reshape2, testthat

Imported by MJMbamlss, fastFMM, longsurr, mMARCH.AC, mxfda, postGGIR, refund.shiny, rmfanova.

Depended on by funmediation, sparseFLMM.

Suggested by FDboost, fPASS, ghcm, gmfamm, mlr, runDRT, spfda, tf.

See at CRAN