Reference manual

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0.3.3 by Hadley Wickham, 4 years ago,

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Authors: Hadley Wickham [trl, cre, cph] , RStudio [cph] , Sridhar Ratnakumar [aut] , Trent Mick [aut] , ActiveState [cph] (R/appdir.r , R/cache.r , R/data.r , R/log.r translated from appdirs) , Eddy Petrisor [ctb] , Trevor Davis [trl, aut] , Gabor Csardi [ctb] , Gregory Jefferis [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Suggests roxygen2, testthat, covr, withr

Imported by AMAPVox, AzureAuth, BIOMASS, CatastRo, ECOTOXr, LAGOSNE, Nmisc, TR8, VertexWiseR, addinslist, adklakedata, alarmdata, askgpt, batchtools, bcmaps, beastier, beautier, binman, ceramic, climaemet, clinspacy, cloudos, comtradr, convertid, cookiemonster, designer, dlr, epidatr, epwshiftr, eq5dsuite, eurostat, exifr, f1dataR, ffscrapr, fluidsynth, froggeR, gargle, giscoR, gmailr, graph4lg, guildai, hoardr, httr2, iai, insee, jmastats, jmvconnect, keyring, kgen, labNorm, learnr, liteq, lulab.utils, mapSpain, measurementProtocol, mhcnuggetsr, mmstat4, multilinguer, nat.templatebrains, nesRdata, netmhc2pan, nflreadr, nhdR, nodeSub, ntdr, onetime, opencpu, pandoc, pins, pkgfilecache, puremoe, pureseqtmr, qgisprocess, rMIDAS, racademyocean, ramlegacy, rbedrock, rdhs, reticulate, rgoogleads, rhub, rirods, rlinkedinads, rpymat, rstudio.prefs, sass, selenium, settingsSync, shelter, shinylive, sqlhelper, stoRy, tesseract, textdata, thematic, tidycensus, tidyhydat, tigris, togglr, torchvision, tsibbledata, usethis, virtuoso, wdpar.

Suggested by JuliaCall, STATcubeR, babette, bdc, bslib, inldata, mcbette, mlr, natmanager,, tinytiger, tracerer, yulab.utils.

See at CRAN