Reference manual

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1.7.6 by Olivier Delaigue, a year ago

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Authors: Laurent Coron [aut, trl] , Olivier Delaigue [aut, cre] , Guillaume Thirel [aut, ths] , David Dorchies [aut] , Charles Perrin [aut, ths] , Claude Michel [aut, ths] , Vazken Andréassian [ctb, ths] , François Bourgin [ctb] , Pierre Brigode [ctb] , Nicolas Le Moine [ctb] , Thibaut Mathevet [ctb] , Safouane Mouelhi [ctb] , Ludovic Oudin [ctb] , Raji Pushpalatha [ctb] , Audrey Valéry [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports graphics, grDevices, stats, utils

Suggests knitr, markdown, rmarkdown, caRamel, coda, DEoptim, FME, ggmcmc, Rmalschains, GGally, ggplot2, testthat

Imported by rechaRge.

Depended on by airGRdatassim, airGRiwrm, airGRteaching.

See at CRAN