Reference manual

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1.2.11 by Alex Deckmyn, 2 years ago

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Authors: Doug McIlroy. Packaged for R by Ray Brownrigg and Thomas P Minka , transition to Plan 9 codebase by Roger Bivand.

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Lucent Public License license

Imports stats, graphics

Depends on maps

Imported by PAFit, RAT, SpTe2M, autoimage, cmsafvis, cspp, hurricaneexposure, magicaxis, openair, pals, perspectev, plotDK, s2dv, statgenSTA.

Depended on by GeoModels, SPADAR.

Suggested by FRK, GGally, GSODR, HDiR, MapGAM, PieGlyph, agridat, animint2, csdata, dams, epiR, epidatr, gggibbous, ggpattern, ggplot2, ggthemes, knitrBootstrap, latticeExtra, maps, marmap, mosaic, move, nzelect, pavo, phyloregion, trackdf, viridis, weatherOz.

See at CRAN